not mean a Soldier is "locked in" to a contract with the Army indefinitely.

The program was designed to give quality NCOs in the ranks of staff sergeant through sergeant major a

greater sense of security by offering a career contract similar to that by which Army officers are retained

that provides one final contract that will take them to retirement, say U.S. Army Europe retention officials.

How does the program work?

When an eligible NCO reenlists, he is processed through the RETAIN reenlistment computer system;

completes all required reenlistment documents, and takes the oath of enlistment. At that time, retention

officials explained, the Soldier's new Expiration of Term of Service date will become the same date as the

Retention Control Point for his current rank. For example, a staff sergeant can remain in the Army for 22

years and not have to reenlist again.

From that point on, when the Soldier is promoted, his ETS date will be updated to reflect the RCP for the

new rank. RCPs for staff sergeants through sergeants major are listed in the accompanying table (see box).

If a Soldier serving on an indefinite reenlistment

has less than 20 years service and exceeds an

RCP due to being reduced in rank, the Soldier

may remain on active duty to attain retirement

eligibility unless separated earlier for other

administrative, physical or Uniform Code of

Military Justice reasons.

After reenlisting for the indefinite program, a

Soldier can request voluntary separation or

retirement, provided all Service Remaining

Requirements have been fulfilled, in a manner

similar to officers.

An example would be a staff sergeant with 11 years time in service who reenlists under the indefinite

reenlistment program. If the Soldier is reassigned to the U.S. he incurs a 12 month SRR. Once the 12

months are complete, he can request separation through his servicing personnel office.

Staff Sergeant 22 years

Staff Sergeant (promotable) 24 years

Sgt. 1st Class 24 years

Sgt. 1st Class (promotable) 26 years

1st Sgt./Master Sgt. 26 years

1st Sgt./Master Sgt.

Sgt. Maj./Command Sgt. Maj. 30 years

Some other examples of SRRs that a staff sergeant could incur include 24 months for promotion to sergeant

first class; 12 to 36 months for reassignment (depending on the type of tour), or 12 months to receive

corrective eye surgery.

Soldiers who would like more information on the indefinite reenlistment program can contact their local

career counselor or reenlistment NCO.