Hunter college style guide

CENTRO Journal Style Guide
CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies is the academic journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, CUNY. The journal operates under the double-blind peer review system.
When submitting an essay for consideration for publication include a cover letter with the following information:
- Author’s name
- Institutional affiliation
- Mailing address
- Email address
- If multiple authors, indicate who will be the corresponding author.
- Submission title
- Abstract (maximum of 150-words)
- List of 6 key words
- (OPTIONAL) Authors may suggest the names of up to three possible reviewers (with institutional affiliations and, if possible, email addresses). While not bound to the suggested names we might contact one of them.
- Statement indicating that the submission has not been previously published, nor is under consideration for publication, elsewhere.
Address all correspondence and submissions to:
As of September 2017, CENTRO Journal’s style follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, particularly in regard to reference citations. The style is summarized below.
For the manuscript:
- Submit the manuscript in Office Word (.doc or .docx).
- Include the essay’s title and the abstract on the manuscript’s first page.
- Do not include the author’s name in the essay.
- Use Times New Roman 12pt font.
- The manuscript must be double-spaced. Block quotes should be indented and single spaced.
- Use consecutive page numbering.
- The manuscript must not exceed 12,000 words—endnotes and references included.
- Avoid the excessive use of italics and bold highlighting.
- Foreign language words are only italicized the first time they appear in the text. Afterwards they are written in normal text.
- For safeguarding anonymity, when citing your own work, do not make mention that you are the author. Eliminate from the text any indication of your identity.
- Use endnotes not footnotes.
- Do not include references or links in the endnotes.
- Use the References section only for works cited in the text.
In-text citations
- Place citations in parentheses and include the author’s name and the source’s year of publication, with no intervening punctuation, at the end of a sentence or before a comma or semicolon, whenever possible: (Whalen 2001).
- Always include page numbers for quotations or extensive paraphrases, using an en dash for page ranges: (Whalen 2001, 146–47). [Note that the page numbers are preceded by a comma, not a colon—as previously.]
- Use semicolons to separate two or more references in a single parenthetical citation and list them alphabetically: (Pérez 2004; Rúa 2012; Whalen and Vázquez-Hernández 2015).
- Do not include “ed.” or “trans.” in citations (and in the case of books that have been reprinted or updated, do not include the original publication year), as this information will be included on the reference list.
- Use the first author’s last name and et al. for works with four or more authors.
- You may use the following abbreviations: e.g., and i.e. Do not use ibid., passim, op. cit., and so on.
Reference list
- Include every source cited in the text and no others, listed alphabetically by author.
- When including multiple works by the same author, list them chronologically, from oldest to most recent.
- For works published by the same author in the same year, add a, b, and so on, and list them alphabetically by title.
- Online references require an access date.
Images, graphs and charts:
- Must be submitted as individual files, separate from the main submission document.
- Indicate in the main submission document the approximate location of each.
- Resolution must be 300-dpi
- JPEG or TIFF formats
- Tables and graphs as Excel files
- All tables and graphs should include source data in the Excel file
The following examples, which illustrate a number of citation scenarios, may serve as a guide for formatting your entries:
Fernández, Lilia. 2012. Brown in the Windy City: Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in Postwar Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Padilla, Felix, and Lourdes Santiago. 1993. Outside the Wall: A Puerto Rican Woman’s Struggle. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Book Chapters
Acosta-Belén, Edna. 2021. Puerto Rican Studies: A Legacy of Activism, Scholarship, and Collective Empowerment. In Puerto Rican Studies in the City University of New York: The First Fifty Years, edited by María E. Pérez y González and Virginia Sánchez Korrol, 43–72. New York: Centro Press.
Edited Volume
Rúa, Mérida M., ed. 2010. Latino Urban Ethnography and the Work of Elena Padilla. Champaign: University of Illinois Press.
Translated Work
Rodríguez Juliá, Edgardo. 2003. Cortijo’s Wake / El entierro de Cortijo. Translated by Juan Flores. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Journal Articles
Flores-González, Nilda. 2001. Paseo Boricua: Claiming a Puerto Rican space in Chicago. CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies 13 (2): 6–22.
Sotomayor, Antonio. 2016. Colonial Olympism: Puerto Rico and Jamaica’s Olympic movement in Pan‐American sport, 1930 to the 1950s. The International Journal of the History of Sport 21: 1–21. doi:10.1080/09523367.2016.1147429.
Online Resources
López, Gustavo, and Renee Stepler. 2016. Latinos in the 2016 Election: Florida. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center. Accessed 15 March.
Multimedia Source
Morales, Iris. 1996. ¡Pa’lante Siempre Pa’lante! The Young Lords. New York: Third World Newsreel. Videocassette.
For additional examples and information, refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, or to the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide.